
Room 2 

10:20 - 11:20 


Talk (60 min)

Demystifying Process Address Space: Heap, Stack, and Beyond

We all have a vague idea about how the heap, stack, and code section are laid out in process virtual address space. But what does it actually look like? Does the stack always grow downwards? What is vDSO? How does address space layout randomization come into play? How do JIT compilers put code in memory and execute it? What else is mapped into the address space of programs?


In this talk, I aim to unravel the complexities of process address space using the Linux kernel as an example.

Piotr Wierciński

A curious software engineer who enjoys exploring operating systems design and delving into low-level programming. Professionally employed at The Qt Company, where he contributes to the WebAssembly platform. He is a strong believer in open source and a better future.