
Room 5 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

Not your GrandParent’s C++

C++ has been around, by that name, since the early 80s - but started in the 70s (as “C with Classes). Reaching its heyday in the mid-late 90s, many people’s impressions of it were formed in that time frame, or during the 13 year C++98/03 period!


But C++ has evolved considerably since then and, despite what you might have heard, mostly in ways that make it safer and simpler to use.

This talk takes us on a tour of the evolution of C++ - from it’s genesis, following the PhD thesis of Bjarne Stroustrup - up to “modern” C++20 and C++23 - and a look ahead at what C++26 and beyond may bring.

The question is: is it too late to prevent C++’s decline into being “the next Cobol”?

Phil Nash

Phil is the author of the C++ test framework, Catch2, and the composable command line parser, Clara. Now an independent consultant and trainer, he's an advocate for good testing practices, TDD and using the type system, functional techniques and static analysis to reduce complexity and increase correctness. He's previously worked in finance and mobile, as well as developer advocacy for quality-focused software developer tools.